Tuesday, December 2, 2008

no yoga. doctor's orders.

Apparently practicing while experiencing spells of vertigo isn't such a good idea. Imagine that.

As loathe as I am to admit it, I am pretty type A when it comes to my physical fitness. (I was gonna say I'm a typical American, then I realized most of us 'merikans think fitness is part of the following phrase: "How'm I gonna fit'n this?") I tend to muscle through aches and pains, minor illnesses and headaches, and bouts of depression and anxiety.

Last week I gave myself the Friday after Thanksgiving off (my first day off in I don't know how long, after teaching a full 30-student class on Thanksgiving morning), so I opted to enjoy some free time with my better half instead of practicing. I felt obligated to practice Saturday morning to make up for that day off, even though I felt a little under the weather. Usually a practice makes me feel better.

Not this time.

Every time I transitioned from the floor to standing I thought I was going to fall over. Once we made our way to the floor series every sit-up made things worse. I went home after class wanting nothing more than to stay in bed for the rest of the day. I didn't, though. The fellow and I went to a train show, then had an amazing Mexican lunch. Then I rested.

I wake up each morning still feeling these dizzy spells. I went to my doc's office yesterday and she ruled out an ear infection, but she couldn't pinpoint anything else that could cause the vertigo. She's treating me for a cold, in hopes the vertigo is tied into the under-the-weather feeling. Now it's wait and see. And no yoga until the dizzy spells pass.

I keep telling people yoga is so great for your immune system and overall physical function. Now look at me. Doc says yoga is great as a preventative measure, but sometimes you have to listen to your body and take a break.


I reckon this is one of those teaching moments. Can I learn to let go and accept that I need to rest, that my body needs to rest? Can I find other ways to calm my mind? As I walked my dog this morning I realized I could use this as a perfect opportunity to deepen my meditation. It also doesn't hurt that walking the dog feels good, and today the weather is spectacular.


Julie said...

i tend to get dizzy spells when i have a head cold- it's like clogged up ears n' sinuses make me lose it. it's not a big deal, but it does make workouts unfun.

Take some more time off, drink more tea, stop beating yourself up! I find 2-3 day breaks make me stronger and longer breaks make me LONG for sport again... a good thing.

anna said...

I've been digging taking Natasha for walks. She's especially happy because it's not too hot and she can go for miles, so I'm taking advantage of that. I'm treating it like walking meditation! The running bug has bit again, so I'm tempted but I think I should take it easy still. Though perhaps I should ask for new running shoes for the holidays. Hmm... ;)

ohnochriso said...

I think it's good to heed your doctor's advice and take a break and take care of yourself. I hope that whatever is causing the vertigo is short-term and ultimately treatable.

dirty bird said...

hey! i just found out that you found me - it's shameful that i don't check and update that blog regularly. but now i know where yours is! i hope you're feeling better now that it's almost 2 months later, and we need to catch up. it's been a long damned time - this is getting ridiculous.

Kate Wells said...

Do you know how much you are loved? I don't think that you really ever can.

I hope that you're feeling better. Please post updates for the new year.